Thursday, January 28, 2021

Concrete Pouring day.



Because the building only had walk through doors and no over head doors, they had to pump the concrete in through one of the doors. Rather interesting process to watch.


Then after a long day the concrete subfloor was done. Once it cured I take over with the interior walls to get ready for the electrician. All in all it was interesting experience watching a chunk of yard turn into my new train room.Progress has certainly slowed now the professionals are done and I doing the work myself. I will continue to update but not every day. Work is progressing though. Just not as fast it is primarily me working weekends for a while. Also. While the build was going on I had my camera set to time lapse so I have a frame every 5 minutes for the whole week. I plan to compile these into a video. I hope to get that up over the weekend.

Finising touches












Up goes the last couple pieces of trim and the shell is done. The contractor went from a gravel pad to the finished building shell in 6 1/2 days.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Almost there











The crew is taking lunch on day 6 of the initial construction. What I mean by that I have a contract with company that does post frame structures. They will build the shell and do the subfloor. I will then come in and will be responsible for interior walls, electrical insulation finish work etc.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What a Difference 2 Days make



Here we are on day 5 they have made quite a bit of progress. It won't be long now until benchwork starts to go up.

Have a great and safe day everyone.

Monday, January 25, 2021

1 to 1 Scale Build Progressing













The contractor crew is showing up for the start of day 3 and much progress is happening. Some nice progress was made on day 2. While the pros are doing the building I am continuing to tweak my track plan. DCC installs and other fun stuff.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

First day of work












Here we go the end of day 1 construction.

Building begins



After several years of planning and saving. Followed by multiple delays related to COVID 19. So it begins. About 10 days before Christmas, construction starts on my train shed. This will be a 24x44 building next to the house. In the new structure 23 X 31 will be train room with the remainder being storage and a garden shed.

      Happy New Year everyone. Well it has quite a few months since I last posted or even worked on the layout. After some prolonged health ...