Sunday, August 8, 2021

Something Different


As I posted before I am from the Inland Northwest in the area that I am going base the new layout. However my wife is originally from Pennsylvania. So I wanted to do a Pennsy train in honor of her. Since it is already a "fantasy" train, I thought it would also be an opportunity to do something different in terms of motive power. So here is the first piece of that. This is a Bowser AS616 and will be the only Baldwin in my fleet. I installed Tsunami 2 in it and it looks and sounds great. This is only my 2nd unit from Bowser the other being a C636 in SP&S paint and stenciled for BN. They are both nice locos and I will be buying more Bowser in the future. I really like that train phone antennae the Pennsy used. Another unique feature it allows me to have.

      Happy New Year everyone. Well it has quite a few months since I last posted or even worked on the layout. After some prolonged health ...